
Commit to a major if haven’t already chosen one. Keep in mind that professional schools do not actually care what your diploma says. Instead, they want to know what courses you took 和 what grades you earned. Your grades in introductory courses will not determine your future, but graduate programs will look closely at the grades you earn in upper-division science courses. 如有必要,请向 学习中心. Plan to take challenging courses, but don’t do this just to impress others. If you don’t enjoy the courses you are taking or you don’t see their relevance, 你可能需要调整你的学习计划.

Continue to meet each quarter with your faculty advisor to review your progress. 确定你的四年计划, checking the time schedule (to see when courses are offered) 和 course descriptions (to be sure that you have completed the pre-requisites). Explore the possibility of adding a minor in another discipline. 例如, 副修生物伦理学与人文科学 gives students unique insights into current events 和 allows students to appreciate the history, 哲学, 以及健康科学的社会学. 即使你不适合修辅修课, 你可以选修心理学方面的额外课程, 社会学, 神学, 以及任何你感兴趣的领域. Humanities courses will help you think critically 和 develop the skills to communicate effectively with patients 和 underst和 their social, 精神上的, 情感需求.

Take PPHS 1800 (健康 Care Career Seminar) in the spring. This one-credit pass-fail course is highly recommended for all pre-professional students 和 is required for pre-medical, pre-dental, 和 pre-veterinary students who intend to take PPHS 3400 later. pphs1800, you will use reading 和 writing activities to sharpen your sense of vocation 和 reflect more deeply on current issues 和 your own experiences.

在你大学生涯的这个阶段, you have enough academic history 和 experience to evaluate your talents 和 interests 和 think more deeply about possible professions. 这是一个职业反思的时间. In other words, you will need to identify the good work to which you are called. You will connect your underst和ing of health care to your sense of mission—和 you will begin working to articulate this sense of vocation. 在更实际的层面上, you should be narrowing down your career choices 和 carefully exploring the requirements of different types of professional schools.

在你的第二年, 你应该继续做志愿者, with the goal of participating in at least 20 hours of 社区服务. 的 约翰·珀金斯中心 是一个好的开始吗. Plan to begin or to continue job 阴影 to accumulate at least 20 hour per year. 参见以下建议 社区服务阴影 (链接需要SPU登录). 开始与教授建立关系, 监事, 和 other mentors whom you might eventually ask to write a letter of recommendation for your application to a professional school.

Students who have completed PPHS 1800 can take advantage of medical mentoring opportunities through SPU’s mentoring program housed in the 应用学习中心.

If you are interested in research 和 have completed introductory science courses, 考虑在校内或校外的实验室工作. Immersion into scientific research can help you better underst和 the science behind health 和 disease. 你还可以了解科学家是如何思考的, 你可以学习新的解决问题的策略, 你可以学习一些技术技能. 然而, if you are not interested in research or do not feel that it is relevant to your career pathway, you should not feel compelled to work in a laboratory or clinical research setting. Like most other aspects of pre-professional training, you gain nothing by “checking a box” for research experience. Spend your time 和 energy on activities that will be worthwhile for your chosen pathway.

Consider attending in-person or virtual events related to your future profession. Look for information sessions, health fairs, 和 open houses. Attending with a friend 和 preparing some general questions ahead of time can minimize feelings of awkwardness. Students at some professional schools organize informal outreach events for college students. You can also attend speaker events 和 other presentations at local universities, 研究中心, 和医院.

的 summer following your second year is the prefect time to participate in an internship, 和 many summer programs are aimed at second-year 和 third-year college students. 的se programs usually cover living expenses 和 provide a stipend (payment), since participants cannot work during the internship. Admission to summer programs is highly competitive, 所以如果你没有资格或者没有被录取, you can look for a summer job that broadens your exposure to health care or strengthens your customer-service skills. Keep track of what you learn in your journal or e-portfolio.

的 Biology department sponsors four scholarships for pph学生. Applications are available in early spring 和 are open to all pph学生, 不仅仅是生物专业.

花点时间反思你的 个人成长 (需要SPU登录). How have your college experiences helped you develop a professional outlook? 谁是你的导师? 为什么他们是好模特? What activities have gotten you out of your comfort zone? What will set you apart from other applicants to professional school? 你是如何实践领导才能的? 你觉得自己在哪些领域最有能力? 哪些领域需要更多的关注?


This checklist describes important action steps for second-year pph学生.